Heather P. Wilson, PhD
Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop.
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
I have always been interested, personally and professionally, in the intersection between the spiritual and the psychological. For me, photography is a creative endeavor that allows me to explore, express and share what has meaning in my world and what gives meaning to it.
What is it in this face, or place, or this moment that transcends the ordinary? How can I, with all that I am and bring, create an image that means something because it captures what is sacred in that face or that place or that moment. Perhaps the image is added to the “significant photographs” of a given year, or not… It does not really matter. What matters to me is simply doing it and creating.
I am endlessly fascinated by the veritable explosion of mobile photography as a new medium and the limitless possibilities for expression, sharing, and community. The ongoing evolution of iPhone capabilities and the development of camera replacement and editing apps allow for creative exploration in ways I could not have imagined before.
I have a doctorate in Pastoral Psychology from Boston University. Prior to my retirement in 2018, I was founder and co-owner of Weatherbee Resources, Inc., providing consulting services and education to hospice programs across the country.
I am a member of the Cape Cod Art Center's Digital Art Group and the National Association of Digital Artists (https://www.nationaldigitalartists.org/).